Who we are

Are you ready to advance your career? At our core, we believe that success in today's market depends on two things: finding the right talent and offering strategic guidance. We're known for our professionalism and ability to deliver results. Let's work together to find the best opportunities for you. Are you ready to make your next career move?

About Us

With a strong track record, we're a trusted partner in executive search. Collaborating with leading organizations, we secure top talent for critical roles, contributing to client growth and success. Committed to excellence, we deliver results aligned with client visions and goals.

About Us

With a strong track record, we're a trusted partner in executive search. Collaborating with leading organizations, we secure top talent for critical roles, contributing to client growth and success. Committed to excellence, we deliver results aligned with client visions and goals.



Tinsten, Cruitech's parent company, was founded in 2009 and is currently a smaller investment company. Cruitech was established in 2017 and operates internationally with clients and partners from various parts of the world. The goal of our business is to assist our clients in finding the resources they need to expand their operations. Our headquarters are located in Stockholm, Sweden.


The company excels through innovation, customer care, and adaptability in a dynamic market. Our innovative approach to strategy and product development ensures unique solutions tailored to customer needs. We prioritize customer relationships by listening to feedback, exceeding expectations, and staying updated on market trends. Our passion for innovation and customer focus is the key to our success.


Trust is the cornerstone of our collaboration with our customers. By focusing on mutual understanding and responsiveness, we create an atmosphere where both the company and our customers feel secure and respected. We demonstrate that we are reliable and trustworthy partners by delivering high-quality products and services that meet their needs and expectations. We always strive to be transparent and honest in our communication, which builds a strong foundation of mutual trust. This mutual respect and trust are what drive our successful collaboration forward and create long-lasting and rewarding relationships with our customers.